That inner peace, that acceptance, that inner knowing that everything is perfect: JOY!
It shines within all of us and it attracts others to create more and more of it.
4 years ago in a small town in Brazil, I couldn’t help but notice this woman with an incredible presence of flow and ease. She moved day after day throughout the town, lighting up faces left and right. It was this confidence, this ease that I had been looking for all my life!

I wanted to know why it seemed so easy for some. Is it a mask that she puts on every morning? Is it something one is born with? Or is it something that one has to work on?
I felt compelled to find out, so I asked Adele to be on the podcast and she accepted with great enthusiasm. She told me she discovered something very special in her life that she would like to share with the world: JOY!
Our discussion while we were recording the JOY episode four years ago, brought up an awesome point:
We must make the DECISION about what we focus on.
It doesn’t mean we have to bury our heads in the sand with what’s going on around the world, we just can’t be steeped in it on a day-to-day basis.
The only way we can truly be of service, is to send love and prayer to the situation. In good faith, with love, a feeling of joy, and compassion for our fellow human beings, these prayers can shine light on the silver lining of the situation.
This could transform the way we perceive painful situations.
When we find out that the world works for us instead of against us, we feel supported. In being supported, we feel more joy and ease. This turns our world into an uplifting and positive place to be.

As I am reintroducing Change Your Heart to the world, I am using the words expressed in this episode to move forward and create with JOY. I am only focusing on things that I can be of service to and/or change. I focus on the excitement and love that I am able to bring to situations. I know that I can only change how I am in this world, and only this will express itself in an uplifting way to others.
During that time of the JOY episode, this seed of an idea was coming to life, something that is manifesting right now, into the JOY CODES! Read this article by Adele to learn about the beautiful vision she offers to our world!
Rex (03:20): Change Your Heart Podcast. I am Rex and I'm here with the beautiful Adele today. Hello...
Adele (03:28): Hello, Rex. Thank you for having me.
Rex (03:31): I really wanted to start... I know a bunch of your stories, but please, could you give us an overview of what you've been doing and where you've been traveling and what has been going on?
Adele (03:42): Well, I actually left the United States. I'm from Dallas and left the United States several years ago to move to Europe, living in Bosnia. I helped excavate the pyramids there, then explored all over Europe and ended up living in France for five months before heading to South America. I started out in Peru for a couple of months. Now I've been in Brazil for over a year.
Adele (04:06): I've just been traveling, I'm kind of a free spirit. I do energy work. I'm writing, I'm a speaker, so I'm just enjoying what I can do while I'm traveling the planet.... hopefully inspiring others that they too can do, have and be the dream life they desire.
Rex (04:25): How beautiful. How wonderful. What about pyramids? Please tell me about pyramids.
Adele (04:32): Well, I can talk for the next three days about that!
Rex (04:34): What is it you're doing? Let's start with the excavation.
Adele (04:42): In 2012, I learned that there are pyramids in Bosnia... the two largest pyramids on the planet and I was invited by Dr. Semir Osmanagich to come to Bosnia and be a part of the project. There are volunteers who come every summer and I've been blessed to be able to do that several times and actually be one of the volunteers who gets into the tunnels leading up to the pyramids to help excavate them. I worked in the museum one summer as well. They are covered with grass, roads, trees, houses, and the largest pyramid on the planet, called the Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia actually has a castle on the top. I was fascinated by them! I had been to Egypt and traveled all over Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and France. Many of these pyramids are in Europe as well. I just found this for some reason, extremely fascinating.
Rex (05:37): How cool. I'd really like to know why there are roads and castles on top of them? Are they, were they buried over time with dirt?
Adele (05:45): Possibly during the flood, it's been a long time. The ones in Bosnia are proven to be well over 30,000 years old. So it could have happened then there's really not a clear answer at this point in time. I will say that the pyramids in Bosnia and many others on the planet are the largest energy generators on earth. And there's a lot of healing energy in them as well.
Rex (06:06): How cool! When you say energy, will you explain that to me?
Adele (06:09): Well, in this case, it's actually energy that could be harnessed and used for other purposes on the planet. You know, there's healing energy as well, which helps people feel better. But the actual energy I'm saying, when I say generated, there's an energy beam, a beam of energy coming out from the top of the Sun Pyramid. An interesting fact is it gets stronger as it leaves the planet earth, not weaker. So we are not sure what that means, but it's rather interesting
Rex (06:37): Regarding the energy that comes from this pyramid - how do they know and how do they test the energy coming from there? Is it just something special?
Adele (06:48): Great question! And I don't know the names of the tools, but there were scientists that came from all over the planet to explore these and many brought different types of tools. I'm going to say something like a sonogram. That's not what it is, but it's those types of tests that they run on the earth and they show energy moving. One is an actual colored picture that upon examination, the test results actually show vertical lines of energy, moving in waves over the Pyramid of the Sun versus the normal horizontal waves of energy that we see elsewhere on normal landscape. So I don't know the names of the equipment... I wasn't involved in that part of it, but there were many, many different things that showed chambers and tunnels and water underneath. There's a huge lake they call the Blue Lake underneath the Pyramid of the Sun. There are seven structures that have been proven to be actual physical manmade structures, as well as several others that are still being tested. I just read something yesterday that the Bell Tower there has been shown that it has tunnels underneath. I didn't even know of this as they weren't even talking about the Bell Tower two years ago.
Rex (08:00): Well, that brings up a question... did the pyramid create the energy or is the energy there and how did the people know back then?
Adele (08:11): That's the million dollar question.
Rex (08:14): So is that what you're discovering?
Adele (08:17): Well, I won't take credit for discovering anything. I'm just visiting these different sites all over the planet. I feel like I've been drawn to them. I believe that the energy is in planet earth. It's the natural lay lines and the crystaline grid around the planet. It's the harnessed energy that's already there, that thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago, other civilizations discovered this energy and built things on top to mark them, such as temples, such as pyramids or tumulus, which Silbury Hill in England is a tumulus ... there are many structures like that all over the world.
Rex (08:54): So how many haven't been discovered?
Adele (08:57): I don't know, but I've seen many! I just spent five weeks exploring Mexico in January and I actually saw hundreds of them...everywhere, around every corner as I drove thru the hills and mountains. When you know what to recognize, you can see them. They're very, it's funny. I just mentioned the Bell Tower in Bosnia.. they are shaped evenly on both sides. Silbury Hill is a really good example. People can Google S I L B U R Y in England near Stonehenge. It actually looks like an upside down bowl of rice or something has been congealed. The idea that something congealed has been taught, put on the earth and it's perfectly round, and these are all over the planet. Many of them have what you would call an easement, As in Giza certainly has at the pyramid of the Sun, an easement that we're not sure what it was use to enter, to get on top of, you know, to in Egypt, they have this as well. So it's just a lot of unknowns.
Rex (09:52): Yeah. So what are you going to do with this information? Or do you even know yet?
Adele (09:58): I don't know yet, I've written about some of it. I plan to write more. I hope to be able to go back and visit a lot more of them and discover them. I'd like to go to Asia and look and see what's over there. But that hasn't been determined yet. So it's all being evolved and developed.
Rex (10:15): I think this has a big part of joy. Yes. Is it the adventure? I think so because my good friend would say, my good friend would say, what is that anyways? What is joy?
Adele (10:32): And what is joy for me? Joy is that inner, inner peace of acceptance. And when we're actually going through life, we have challenges that come up and down all day long, every day, they might be financial, it might be relationships. They might be our health issues. And when we have joy, to me, it's a much more personal thing than a happiness. So when, if, if someone is full of joy and you can usually tell it, it's kind of an inner knowingness that shows through their eyes, but if someone lives in a joyful way and feels the joy it to me, I should speak about myself. It's just an inner acceptance that everything is perfect. It's all good. No matter what. So the things that appear to be challenges or adverse actions are against us or towards us, or it's all for a reason, our childhood, our early childhood, all the ups and downs of that are siblings and our parents and our teachers. And all of that was all I believe to teach us to live on the planet in a healthy, peaceful way. And it, to me, it just begins with JOY!
Rex (11:40): Yeah. How much do you dig into the past things or into the old?
Adele (11:46): I've done a lot of that over the years. I had many health challenges, as many as us have had, and in all of that, searching to get healthy and happy and be able to live the adventurous life I desired instead of a very unhealthy one, which is where I was headed. I learned that I believe a lot of it is based on our childhood, early childhood, possibly even past lives as well. And so with the childhood part, I looked at my parents and the birth order and the way my relationships towards my siblings and the early years, what happened in those early years, how was my parents' relationship with each other? And through all of that, I have discovered it's all perfect as a child. I guarantee you, I would never have said that. I felt like I was in a living hell most of the time yet it looked perfect to the others, I believe. Which I think is a lot of times the case, the pretense of that. But once we, kind of accept that and realize it's all for a purpose, it's all to make us stronger in my case, more independent and adventurous and free and wild.
Rex (12:51): I could definitely see that with you with like discovery again, you know, I have to say, I see you smiling every time I see you and do this huge smile on your face, but so many times, or just like, if I have to smile one more time today, I'm just going to get a freak. Yes, yes, no. Just in general, when I do, when I leave the house, sometimes I just, I'm not feeling that joy. What do we do to just, everything is perfect. Everything's perfect. And everything is, would you like me to show you how it works? Yes, please. Yes, please.
Adele (13:35): So think about, and you don't really need to say it on the air, the one of the worst childhood memories you have regarding your father, your mother, which one was it?
Rex (13:45): Okay. I remember it. I think I was five years old.
Adele (13:49): And was it with your mother or your father? It was with both. Okay. So if you could isolate that situation and look at it as think back if, and it many times this comes through writing and I've done a lot of writing to get through a lot of my incidents. So if you start writing and you start writing, so what was, what came out of that? What was the end result? Can you see the goodness in that? Just without telling us too many details,
Rex (14:16): I guess not at the moment. No.
Adele (14:18): It's the type of thing you have to just look beyond the harsh words or the, the horror of it all. Let's use it that way. Even let's just use an example. If someone has a fire there, I'll use an example. We had black mold in our house and had to leave for a year. Okay. And everyone, and we had moved to a hotel at two o'clock in the afternoon. They told us leave today, our insurance company. And so many people kept going that whole year. Oh, you poor thing. You had to leave your beautiful house. We just moved in a few years before and redone some things and it was beautiful. And on the flip side of that, I said, well, actually, it's kind of nice. We moved to a Marriott hotel. They fed us breakfast seven days a week. They would pick up my groceries.
Adele (15:02): I would leave a list. What I wanted. They would put it in my little kitchenette. I, they finished dinner four nights a week. We could go out to eat. Of course. My children were in school. We had enough space for two bedrooms and a living area and kitchen. It was a fabulous year. We had a pool around the corner. We didn't have to maintain, we had everything we needed. The maids came in every day. So I flipped that and looked at it on the positive side. Yeah. So to me, that's, that's feeling joy for even the things that look so horrible on the outside. Yes, we did get to back to move back in that house. And it was much more beautiful when we moved back in, after we had the mold all removed and when it came time to sell it, people said, you'll never sell that house. I actually sold the house for much, much more than anything in the neighborhood, because I was able to prove that the mold had been remediated. So there were blessings all in all of that story.
Rex (15:58): Oh, cool. Yeah. A beautiful story. I have to say these days, I have been much more joyous, much more appreciating everything and really seeing the good and situations and stuff like that. I feel like I've grown so much in the past couple of years, I guess I was just trying to get out. How do we feel more joy?
Adele (16:23): For me, as I said, it's looking at the whole picture. It's we all have ups and downs. And yet, if we can really just look at the situation, knowing that it's a test, that's how I like to think of our whole test. Our whole life is like a test. It's all a lesson. And so if we can see everything that way, if we have a financial setback or we have a health issue, that's a big one for many people these days. How can we turn that into a positive? The people we meet? I feel like there's so many angels that come to our aid when we have issues. And it's like, where does that come from? We can, we have a choice. We can take, you know, the, the sorrow and the grief and the, I don't want to use the word negative, but we can take more of that type of a path, or we can take a positive path and just say, okay, I'm ready for the challenge. What next? Bring it on. And let's see, and then be joyful. And if you have ever known in when they're sick, and if they approached it with a joyous, somebody who gets cancer or something serious, and they appoint approach it with a joyous attitude, the results are so much better on the other end. So it's just an inner joy. And I see it in people's eyes.
Rex (17:42): I felt the challenging part of it or the challenge part of it to treat it as a challenge or.
Adele (17:51): And not as something bad or horrible, like, okay, I'm a big girl. Now I put my big girl panties on sometimes and just say, all right, what's this one all about. And then I face it head on. And it usually shifts the whole energy. We talked about energy with the pyramids. There's other kinds of energy. She was the whole energy of the situation. And if it's a financial setback, if someone's willing to really look at the overall the reality of it, cause we've all had those, whether it was the stock market or losing a job or whatever, as that happened, as we look at it and kind of smile and go, okay, I have no idea how things are going to shift on this one. It will be fun to watch it. And it usually gets to be a fun story. I mean, when someone tells me how devastating their life is, I'll say often I say, so how many times have you gone without dinner or food? Oh, well, no, it's, you know, most especially Americans or that isn't really an issue, but yet we feel like we're going to be devastated and, and lose everything sometimes. And that's not usually the case.
Rex (18:55): Yeah, of course. I definitely changed my life and the, what I was dealing with and the stress that came with money and stuff like that when it really wasn't a problem looking at it now, as I had plenty of it going around, did actually now I'm more careful with it and it's more beautiful in that way where I really appreciate the money that I am getting in and, and making and the money that I'm giving to the things that I buy, you know, am I going to buy something healthy with it, or am I going to buy donuts with, you know, that type of thing. And I'm really feeling the gratitude or the relationship with money, I guess
Adele (19:42): That's beautiful. And if we look at the perspective, especially as Americans, the perspective that we're given is you're supposed to finish school and work really hard and long hours and put into your best, and then save that a nest egg that someday you're going to get to use and spend. And that isn't always the case. And those people, when things happen to them financially have no idea that a lot of times health issues take away their lifestyle before they can even spend that money. So I feel like many of us that get out of that have created a situation that we can really enjoy. I quit the corporate world in 30, some years ago, 40 years ago. So, 30 years ago. So for me, that was part of, of it, you know, and just decide what I could do that would help people in a different way.
Rex (20:36): When you did quit the corporate world. Were you obviously stressed about money and stressed about where you were going or what you were going to do, or did you have a, have a direction right away and sort of sling shot you?
Adele (20:49): I had just had my first child and I was working in the job I had actually been at the same company out of college for 11 years and the job was going away. And when my manager flew in, I ran the whole state of Texas. And when he flew in to tell me I was all giggles, I was so excited. I had already bought a car. I had a company car, I had already bought another car. And I was just really to be a mommy for a little while. So I was married at the time and that made it a little easier. Although I quickly had to figure out how to create, how to replace that income. And I did it in different ways and ended up not much after that. I created a business, this silly little I'll say it. I don't usually talk about it as scrap booking business. That for 20 years it has been a very volatile, good, big business. So I think what I would say about that is I had a situation that I, I was excited about not doing the eight to five anymore and then realized after a little while, Oh, I have to replace that income. And then it took a few years of floundering and then I figured out something that really was a volatile, good business.
Rex (21:56): And do you have fun and you had with it.
Adele (21:58): Creative. I helped so many people. Yeah. It was, it turned into a beautiful gift. In fact, I was just in the States closing it out last last month, few weeks ago.
Rex (22:09): Well, congratulations. So your adventure of traveling. So now you just have a suitcase. Yes.
Adele (22:17): Two large ones. One's large ones not.
Rex (22:24): Oh, beautiful. And you just decided I'm off and I'm exploring and I'm feeling joy and adventurous. And I want to meet as many people as possible.
Adele (22:36): Exactly Rex. The people in this planet are so amazing. The perspective that word came up three minutes ago, the perspective of our planet, of how small it is of how safe it really is. If we go into places that were told on the media, through the media, especially I keep saying the United States, I don't mean to push that issue too much. But those who still watch the news on a regular basis are filled with things that I choose not to fill my head with. I got rid of my, we had seven TVs and a media room at one point, got rid of all of that over seven years ago. And I have not missed any of it. Yeah. I don't watch the news. I don't read the paper. I get what I need to know from friends or Facebook, or if I need to look up who won the presidential race, I can look it up online the next morning. We don't need to hear the daily.
Rex (23:26): You don't feel detached at all. You don't feel.
Adele (23:29): I feel so much more joyous actually, because I'm not listening to all that on a daily basis. I think the effect that it has on a lot of people's health of being pulled down with all of that, the energy of that doesn't interest me at all. So if there is a catastrophe and there happened to have just been one, I heard a hint of it. I didn't want to ask any questions and it's not that I want to bury my head in the sand. I just don't think I can be of any service other than to send prayers and love. And I don't need to know the details, the gory details to be able to do that.
Rex (24:03): Sending prayers and sending love. Do you see how do see that as especially long distance? Or how do you feel like you touch somebody by prayer?
Adele (24:15): Two years ago, Rex, I would have answered that a totally different way. I would have said something I had been taught and anyone listening to this who I taught this to I apologize, because I feel like it was inappropriate. I was taught when we pray. We're asking for favors and when we meditate, we're listening. And to me that made the word prayer seem very selfish. So I quit praying for many years, for several years. Yeah. And then I actually mentioned it a minute ago. At the Casa, there's a lot of prayer involved in the healing there. And through that, I just call it magic. I, I go to a place at a chapel and sit and pray. It's not a typical church chapel pray. And it's literally the people on the other end feel the prayers.
Adele (25:07): I let them know. I take a photo of the prayers. I write them down. And I, I stand in front of the chapel door and start saying them. And then I go inside and just think of that person and think of their life with, with a different outlook of these, the situation they're praying for. And if it's something they don't want any longer, let's say they don't want cancer. What I pray for them is for radiant health inside and out for their cells to start rejuvenating, to wake up. And, and I tell them, when they tell me they feel tingling, I laugh and say, that's just yourself, waking up. They're just moving around, giggling in there, as they get healthier and healthier, and I've seen amazing miracles from the power of prayer from long distance over the phone, in my healing work and with the work here.
Rex (25:56): So it's just the relationship with that person or that situation or that thing. And your just asking, you're not asking anymore your,
Adele (26:10): It is a type of ask. I call it a request. So what I was getting at, when I said that is the one I was taught meditation with listening and asking was the prayer I was taught, the prayer was wrong. It was like, gimme, gimme, gimme. Yeah. I felt like I was misled. Or I heard that inappropriately because I don't think that's true. I think when we pray for others with good faith and love and the feeling of joy and compassion for our fellow human beings and animals and mother earth, that is not a selfish request. So that's where I've learned that I, several years ago, when I learned and started teaching others, Oh, prayers is selfish because you're asking it at the time. It made sense. But now I see the value of prayer and the value of volumes of praying. It's amazing when you see many people praying the same time, there'd been many studies.
Rex (27:07): It's incredible. It's beautiful how we can shift the planet. Yeah.
Adele (27:11): I'd like to say that the words, joy, J O Y the word joy, the letters I was actually meditating last week, few weeks ago, and three letters came to me, three words came to me from that, and I'm working on what it means exactly, but I'd like to just talk about it. Joy J for just the O for one and the Y for you just when you, this came to me, I was actually in Arkansas about three weeks ago, and just remembered sitting in a beautiful area, surrounded by crystals. And I kept hearing the word, joy, joy, joy, over and over. And then I sat and just thought, what does JOY me to me? And what would joy be if it were three letters, the beginning of three words, and there was just one you, so the collectiveness of that to me, each one of us is so important here on the planet, the work we're doing, the, the part, what we contribute to each other, to do the overall function of how the planet works and operates. And I feel like the just one you, with the capital ONE O N E, it just seems to work for me right now, the way I'm thinking about our planet and the oneness of everything,
Rex (28:27): How beautiful, how beautiful.
Adele (28:31): Thank you.
Rex (28:33): When we drove to Sao Paulo last week and coming over the hill, and then just seeing the huge, just millions of people and just building skyscrapers and everything, it makes you feel so small. And the difference between here in Abadiania, and it makes you feel like you're a big part of all this going on. How do you see, how do you see yourself in the middle of 7 billion people?
Adele (29:16): I think each one of us is here for a significant reason. We're like puzzle pieces that are all being collectively put together. And we've all been brought in with our path. The parents, we had the lessons that we learned, the who we became, the mistakes that we made. The, we went to the left, we went to the right, whatever we did. We had got us to where we're supposed to be exactly where we're supposed to be. And in that, the lessons that each of us has learned that help us inspire other people in their lessons and in their challenges and their traumas and their, the adversity that comes to them. I believe each one of us, every one of us is so significant in such a, I was going to say a small way, but that's not, it it's a big way that we're all here to help each other, to guide each other, to inspire each other, to meet, you know, from everyone on the planet.
Adele (30:10): And I think how many times I learned from people in my travels, I speak one language and I'm sad to admit that Portuguese has not come easily and neither did Spanish nor French when I lived in France for five months. So I basically speak one language. Which seems very selfish in one respect. And what I've decided is to speak one language well and to approach other people. When I started, I was speaking about two different things here, but as I traveled to Mexico recently, and I speak little to no Spanish, and I was traveling alone for five weeks. And I was in places that most American tourists don't drive by themselves. And very little English is spoken in these small villages. And I would stop to ask directions or to ask about something. And it was amazing to me how many times we communicated perfectly.
Adele (30:59): I didn't understand the words. I understood the, you know, the arms and the legs and the movement and the left and the rights. But it was fascinating to me to think, and this has happened to me all over the world in Turkey and in Italy, and certainly France and Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay countries, where they may speak Spanish in your, but it doesn't sound like the same Spanish as Mexico or Spain. So for me, it's really been a blessing that I haven't learned one of those well and that I think it would have been even more confusing. So when I go in and I honestly don't speak the language, and so I may try a few where I certainly learned the niceties. Thank you, please. Hello, goodbye. I mean, I learned the obvious things and I did that in Bosnia, but I did not try to learn the Bosnian language for three months.
Adele (31:47): It just, it's not going to happen anyway, so in my travels and in my interactions with people of all walks of life, we all have them. Everyone is so important. One of my favorite people here does not speak a word of English, and I don't think enough Portuguese to communicate with him is a gardener that I see on a regular basis, Shania. And he's the most beautiful man. And we always give each other a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. And it's a total communication of love and admiration for each other. Yet we don't speak the same language, but he is absolutely just as important as anyone else in my life. So we're all important. The oneness, the just one you,
Rex (32:34): I see. Um, when I think of joy, I also think of helping other people and really the only way I see helping another person or to reach in your arm out is if it includes joy, do you feel that the just openness and sort of seeing the bigger picture and like you said, just one, you are just joy, joy. Yeah.
Adele (33:10): I learned that a long time ago. No pity, no disgrace or disgust or no judgement.
Rex (33:17): Yeah. Just out of pure joy and that is when the person that's receiving the help seems to take it or receive, be able to receive if it's done in a way other than joy, or other than love, say hand in hand, it doesn't work. Yeah. Somebody feels bad about the arrangement exactly.
Adele (33:41): Beautifully said. And I do think we're here to reach out and help each other to inspire by our own life, inspire by example. So the smile I'll challenge Rex. I have a smile on my face most of the time, you have know me for about a year now and it's genuine. It's from inside. I don't, I don't put it on when I leave.
Rex (34:07): Yes, of course.
Adele (34:08): And I don't, I'm not that I don't have moments of sadness or compassion for someone that comes through in tears, certainly. Yeah. Yet, there's that inner joy overriding all of it. That even when I may be having compassion for someone else or myself, something happens to me. I'm looking at the bigger picture of it and the knowingness that there's a reason for everything. And that it's all for the oneness, and if we can overlay that joyful feeling on top of it, it just, even when you fall and scrape your knee, if you laugh, instead of get upset about it, it just, it just changes the whole way we act about life.
Rex (34:49): It's such a wonderful message, such a beautiful message. It makes me smile from ear to ear. I can see that. Do you have anything else on joy?
Adele (35:04): We didn't talk spiritual connection.
Rex (35:06): I would love to.
Adele (35:09): It's a big part of it. And I think for me, the whole JOY part was not a part of my life, maybe that's why I see it now so much. I feel like the first 50 years of my life were spent not understanding, a lot of self pity, a lot of unhealthiness, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy stuff around money, unhealthy body. Certainly. So once we can make that spiritual connection and decide what that is for each of us, and it's very personal, that's where that inner joy comes, that trust. So it's not just knowing that the challenge is there for a reason, but in my case, I'll just speak of that. It's it's that? Okay. My Angels or God, or Source, whoever someone wants to think of Jesus certainly has put this challenge in front of me for a reason. And how I choose to react about that challenge is what's going to change, possibly change the rest of my life, depending if it's a big challenge or a little challenge.
Adele (36:19): So when we can have that trust and that inner joy and that connection to source and know, I mean, many, many, many times in the last few years, I just roll my eyes upwards and with a big smile and go, okay, I'm not sure what this one's about. Thank you. We'll move on head to head first and see where it goes to. So when we do it that way, we approach things with her as a joyous smile and just laugh and know that it it's just a challenge to get us to the, where we're supposed to be.
Rex (36:51): Was there a point for you? Was there a point for you when it's, when it changed when it sort of flipped? Would you mind telling?
Adele (36:59): I'd be happy to? It was in about 2000, I was in a very unhappy marriage, not to a person who he's a great guy. We just didn't do well together. We had 21 years together, beautiful two sons. So I have no regrets. And that's another example. It was all meant to be. And it just wasn't right. So we made a shift, but anyways, in an unhappy marriage, I weighed 300 pounds. I'd gotten very obese and unhealthy was on eight medications. And I had a stress attack and was sent to the hospital and a client actually took me to the hospital. Her husband's a doctor, and she was horrified, scared that I was having a heart attack. Cause a stress attack many times is through your right arm and into your chest. And I felt like I had an anvil sitting on my chest or a car.
Adele (37:48): It was horrible and I weighed 300 pounds. So it would be understandable that someone in her forties at that point would, late forties would have been having a heart attack. So I went and they started doing all the tests and I had three days in the hospital to figure out, okay, how much longer am I going to let this obesity run my life? But all these meds I was on, my health was just getting worse and worse. I couldn't breathe was pre-diabetic all kinds of physical conditions on some serious medicine for it. And I realized I can't do this anymore. My life, there was nothing left. If I continued the way I was going, what the vision I had was someone changing my diapers. And that was not what I wanted to be. I had life to live. I had places to go and people to meet adventures to enjoy. So I, that was my turning point. And there's actually a little more of a personal story involving my husband with it that I don't want to say, but.
Rex (38:46): But it was just a, it was just a faith that it's time, it's time.
Adele (38:51): And I'm so grateful for that life that I lived because now I have so much more compassion for people with weight issues and with health issues as well. And I know that if I could get off every one of those meds and not even had an aspirin for 10 years now, I've been blessed and I found alternatives to all of that. So if I could do it, anybody can, anybody can. And so that's when my connection to source really began. It was like, I just, I was in a deep, deep, dark hole, depression, all types of things. And I realized I had to look beyond myself and I saw there was more beyond myself that could help me. And I started asking for help
Rex (39:32): Asking for help. So beautiful. Thank you, Adele, for your joy, for your service, for your help, for your love that I see you give everywhere. Thank you so much.
Adele (39:51): Thank you so much for having me. This was fun.
Rex (39:56): I love the smiles. Thank you everybody for joining us on the Change Your Heart podcast until next episode.
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Brent is grabbing anything and everything to be excited about. He is an Air Traffic Controller by trade, enthusiastically guiding our flying family and friends through the skies.With this go at life, he is loving to share the diamonds that are found by collaborating and laughing with others. His passion is to discover the ways and tools for everyone to soar to new heights, WITH YOU!