IGKnight – What does it mean to show up?

I was looking through the news feed and I suddenly stopped upon the word IGKnight. I said, that is incredible!

It has been a while since Michael and I connected, and what a better opportunity than to have a podcast episode with him to tell the world what he is creating. 

We reconnected instantly, both of us having an excitement and willingness to work with others to find and embody that TRUE feeling of being a man.

Similar to the Knight’s Code, to live life with presence and to be an example to our children, with honor, valor, pride and respect.

During our conversation, Michael stressed the idea of an Evolutionary Baton. We are doing this work of self discovery not just for ourselves, but for our children. He expressed that we can learn how to feel alive, empathic, playful, present and express how we feel.

This is nothing that just shows up overnight, but it is something that we can learn with practice and support from others. 

Michael has seen incredible growth in his practice members in relationship, parenting and their life’s mission.

Read more about Michael here!

They have a better understanding of their reactions and responses to their partners and family.

We need to rebuild our foundation, and we need to better see those subtle hints that we didn’t pick up on before, and to learn to feel and connect with our Warrior Energy. 

With our children, to find that energy and enthusiasm to ‘be there’. That ability to show them where to look, rather than pointing at what to see.

From a new found place of stability and wellbeing, doors open up and possibilities are available to be grasped like never before.

Since my conversation with Michael, I have really begun to understand the importance of creating more intimate relationships with other men. I feel this acceptance has been lacking in my life and it has caused me to be afraid of what others might think. I really look forward to receiving blessings and acceptance from other men.

I have joined the IGKnight the King community and I encourage you to take that leap and do the same.

Let’s be that example to the future generations together.

Join the IGKnight the King Facebook Community. Click here!

Watch the complete episode here!

Brent Smith (02:52): Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Change Your Heart Podcast. My name is Brent, I am your host and I am here with Michael Diamond. Hello, Michael.

Michael Diamond (03:03): Good to be here with you, Brent. Thanks so much for having me.

Brent Smith (03:07): Thank you so much for being here. It's been a long time since we've connected and it's been, I really got filled up with an excitement when we got to reconnect and to be together. It's so cool.

Michael Diamond (03:18): Cool. Yeah, I was, I was pleasantly surprised and excited and yeah, I saw you posting online and then next thing I knew you were reaching out to me. So I love the way those tentacles cross time and space.

Brent Smith (03:37): So I remember that you were traveling a lot before you were traveling to Los Angeles and then back to Marin. And things like that during these times, are you still doing that?

Michael Diamond (03:48): So pre-covid I was already planning on winding down my travels to LA and then covid basically confirmed that for me. So now I go down, once a month, I'm doing more, a pop up style. I've a core group of clientele that I take care of, but as far as the practice and the office space, that is no more. I still have the alive brand. I'm still taking care of clients. They're just traveling a lot less, like most of us right now and that's allowed me actually to focus on part of what we're going to talk about today. So doing more of the men's work, do you make the King work where my passion and my mission feels like it is right now.

Brent Smith (04:35): Too cool. It's for a lot of people, especially me. And it sounds like with you during this time, it's really been a time to go in and to find what's important to us and to really think about the things that are that we want to create and finding more of our passion and things like that. That is a sort of diamond in the, in the rough.

Michael Diamond (04:59): Absolutely the word I've been using is re-imagine, I feel like I've been re-imagining my life and, and uniquely, a lot of this came online just prior to the whole covid situation. So, the wheels were already in motion and things were already happening and then it just sorta got in there right before all that happened, essentially. So, I feel very grateful for that.

Brent Smith (05:26): Yeah, it's pretty interesting for, for so much, Anne's really into the stars and astrology and where, you know, what the energies are and different things. And until this time, until about the past year, I've really started seeing like, Oh, wow, it is trending that way. Things are moving that way and started, it's sort of flowing a little bit more like that. Have you had more time with your family, with Wolfie and Nanilea?

Michael Diamond (05:58): Absolutely. This is, on a personal level, this time of shelter in place has been some of the most rewarding time. Like you mentioned, my traveling, you know, I was moving around a lot and to be home and him to not be in school and to just be together and just slow down. It's been an incredible gift to have that. And as I'm sure a lot of people are experiencing re-evaluating, re-imagining, what's important and where we're spending our time. And I know for me, just having the time or choosing to have the time to focus on family and relationship and these new ventures, of course, has been, it couldn't have been more perfectly timed. Of course, my heart goes out to all those that are suffering, whether it's specifically with this illness and infection, and also the ripples that we're seeing of the industries and jobs and all the things and ways people are getting affected by it. I also know in transformation, it's hard at the beginning. It's very messy in the middle and ultimately it's beautiful. And I know we'll get to that point and right now, or we're in a messy part, but a part that feels like this had to happen.

Brent Smith (07:24): Yeah. You explained that wonderfully and I would love to talk more about the transformations that you bring out or bring out in people the same way as we're going through a transformation here, because as a, this time, it is very difficult for people to feel that, that there will be a great thing at the end, you know? And, and so it's, it's super cool that you have that you have that understanding.

Michael Diamond (07:54): And yeah, well for so many years being a healthcare practitioner, and that was probably one of my number one roles with, patients where we call practice members is to hold that vision for them to know that there is another side to what's going on for them, right? Someone comes in with a concern, an illness, a malady, whatever it may be. And it's hard to see the other side of that when you're in the experience of it. So that's why we go see someone right, is to get help. And the job of that helper, at least in my perspective, is to hold the vision for what's possible. And obviously combined with clinical years of experience, say, yeah, we've seen this before this. You're going to be okay. And that's hard when we're in it to see now what's going on right now, definitely is unique in certain respects and unprecedented, as far as its reach, you know, all of us are being affected on some level.

Michael Diamond (08:53): So it has some novelty to it. We'll call it that, but we've survived as a species for this long. And I think we will get through this as well. I think it's important in the process to have that perspective, because it can get overwhelming to focus on just what's going wrong or how things were breaking down. And I'm not saying to not pay attention to those things, but to have multiple perspectives simultaneously is served me very well. And those that I take care of. So that's my perspective on how to handle it.

Brent Smith (09:33): So you brought up an interesting point with the way as a chiropractor, as a network chiropractor, you had people come in with pains or troubles and you were able to transform, but as we're moving into this age of Fertrell and you starting up with connecting with people online and throughout the world, pretty much. What has been your challenges or what do you, what has been different in attracting or connecting with the people?

Michael Diamond (10:12): Yeah, I think it's the same thing that was probably existing before. It's through a different medium, right? Where the drug before was busy-ness and, you know, Bri being in a sort of brick and mortar type business, a lot of it was coordinating and scheduling and getting people to be able to come in when we're open and when they're available. Right. It's so much as just logistics, and now online it's, you know, we essentially have more time, but now everything is online. So there's a lot more noise. There's a lot more that we still have to do, and what makes me, or anyone else unique or different, why would you want to come and seek me out when you have schooling, you have to do online, you have relationship, whatever it may be. There's just so much data now, how do we sift through that?

Michael Diamond (11:08): And I think it's the same challenge we had before. It's just, again, a different medium. What's beautiful about this is, I mean, we're having a one-to-one conversation right now, but in my mentoring group, in my brotherhood, the Igknite Brotherhood, I'm on, I'm on here, but I'm talking to, you know, 10 men at one time where in the chiropractic office, even though we have a group room and multiple people, I'm still one-to-one right. It's still has to have that one to one experience. So the reach of what's possible now, I mean, the fact that you're in Miami and I'm in Northern California, and we're able to be in real time with one another, that to me is amazing. And essentially that can translate all over the world. So as far as like what challenges it brings up, I think sifting through how much there is out there.

Michael Diamond (12:03): And, but at the other end of the spectrum there's so much, so many more people that are accessible, right? And then it's just a matter of technology and marketing and getting that voice out there. I firmly believe we're in a time where more than ever people are searching for meaning and depth and especially realness because everything is virtual. I know from myself sometimes almost have a hard time differentiating between this sort of artificial intelligence and reality, which is, you know, I can interpret it a lot of different ways, but it's you know, I still want to get my hands in the dirt. Right. I still want to have that real visceral experience. So how to translate that into this kind of relationship, is a challenge. But one that I think is, it's just, it's a lot of fun to see how it, how it does come through.

Brent Smith (13:08): I totally see you with experiencing one-on-one before, but now just experiencing it with a bigger group and really having people attracted to your energy, finding you from everywhere, right. And then, and then once with these group settings, with your Igknight the King, and with this group mentality, this community, this community mentality, people start really connecting to you and really feeling comfortable. And then in the future, really feeling the drive and the passion to go visit you, and do you, you know, and to really have, have an event that people come from all over and go, I'm ready for this. I'm ready for transformation. I'm ready for change. And that is so cool. It just like, it gives me the chills a little bit. It is powerful.

Michael Diamond (14:00): Yeah. You know, it's, I think what we're learning right now is how to, and I think it's been going on, but really discerning what's real, right? Like time is still very valuable to everyone. That's the only thing that we really have. So what I'm finding is people don't want to waste their time on things that aren't going to serve them or help them or help them grow. So we're getting just better and better at being able individually to discern, like, I don't want, I want to spend my time here. I don't want to spend my time here. Right. So, I mean, even having to wear a mask out in the public eye, I've been saying lately that we're all going to be such good poker players after this. Cause now we have to like, see, what's just above here and be able to read someone's expression, right.

Michael Diamond (14:50): So much we used to interpret by our face and in a lot of situations now that just doesn't exist. So we're having to like really tuned into someone's eyes, right? Eyes are windows to the soul. So we're have to like be able again, to discern what someone is saying, what they mean with less sort of information and more having to really connect to them. So that's just one example, but I think online now, you know, you watch a video and, Oh, it's five minutes. You're not going to watch five minutes. You'll maybe watch 20 seconds. And in fact, do I want to watch more? So it's gotta be captivating. It's gotta be engaging. It's gotta solve a problem. It's gotta be helping them. So I'm hoping that the work that you're doing, I'm doing that we're all doing in this space is adding an amplifying that energetic on the planet. Cause we know there's a lot out there that is not doing that. So this kind of work is more important than ever.

Brent Smith (15:54): Yeah. I really see that the sifting will happen through your energy. It'll happen through what you're putting out there with your heart, knowing that you come up with you with a brand, with your, with your idea, what you want to bring to the world and people will be attracted to that. And I think people are sifting through they're deciding what they're watching. They're really. And it's people are feeling their time more valuable and they're attracted to you and with everyone getting together and everyone building each other up, it's just like, it's, it's, there's abundance for everyone. And it's so, so cool.

Michael Diamond (16:35): And this is how long learning now, right? I mean, whether it be a kid going to college or high school, or, you know, wanting to, I mean, this has been brewing for a long time and now we're sort of forced to do it. And it's just so much more accessible, which is great. I love it.

Brent Smith (16:54): And so much more exciting. It's the same thing as, you know, teaching a kid, what they want to learn rather than the structure that's been there for a hundred years, and it's really giving the people opportunity to run for what they want to transform and to do.

Michael Diamond (17:14): Yeah. I saw a great quote recently. You know, my son he's in a Waldorf style school program, which is very different than the traditional schooling. And I was reading up on some of the philosophy behind their curriculum. And there was a quote from a former student, and this was a person that had just graduated high school, so a little older, and they said this type of program, doesn't tell me what to see. It just shows me where to look. And I thought that was just so powerful. And I think that's what we're seeing now with all of this is that, it used to be, you just were receiving information, being told, this is what you need to know. And now it's like, there's so much available, right. So if you're not being told, you gotta know this. It's just like, Hey, look over here. And then you can take it as far as you want. You can, any topic now, we just have literally so much available to us. I think it's just incredible. And not to substitute that for real wisdom. You know, we're as you know, Donny Epstein, our mentor network would always say we're an information overload, but wisdom deprivation. So just to remember that the wisdom, the real profound wisdom, like we said, sift through really have to like, make sure you're getting it.

Brent Smith (18:37): Can you elaborate on wisdom a little bit for me? Sure.

Michael Diamond (18:40): Sure. Well, as in contrast information, right, data you're saying data is like the new oil, right? There's so much data out there on people, and you can specify every little detail of, the metrics, however, the meaning or the depth or the understanding that really helps build the connection. You can't get through a number. You can't get through a metric credit data. You know, I can look up online how to make chocolate chip cookies and get the recipe, but yet I could call my mom and ask her for her recipe. And along with the data of the recipe, I can get a story I can get, Oh, well, my, my mother taught me, Oh, when you used to always do this, when we would make cookies together. And I could share that with my son. Right. So it brings more fullness to the data, the emotion, cause that's, that's how we remember things. Anyway, it's the emotional attachment or the emotional intensity of a moment. We don't remember the data. Remember how we felt you think of any great lecturer speaker that you saw whether live or online and how much of their actual words do you remember versus what was the feeling you had when you saw them speak? And the latter is usually more true.

Brent Smith (20:07): That is so cool. That's so cool. Michael. I would love to know about Igknite. How is that your cornerstone, the cornerstone of your work?

Michael Diamond (20:18): Well, where do we start to store? I love when, before we got on the podcast or the video of this, where you said that it started with a word, right. And then the conversation would build on that. And you had said when you reached out, I want to know about the word Igknite and Igknite is with a K right. Being a Knight. And that's how it all began for me. Realizing that it really started when I knew I was going to be a father. It was a big step up essentially in life, a big threshold that I was crossing over, that really does change you on every level and for me in the best possible way. So what happened was I realized like there's a lot, I'm going to have to step up into it a lot. I didn't know. So we talk about wisdom. I called my father and I said, Hey, I'm going to be a dad. Like, give me the wisdom.

Brent Smith (21:20): Yeah.

Michael Diamond (21:21): You know, my dad, I love the man to death. He's still alive. He's 80, almost 87 years old. Grew up in the depression in New York. His generation was the silent generation. They, not very expressive, not very emotional. But what he said to me was, 80% of being a dad is showing up and 20% is how you show up. But he's like, just be there. That's the number one thing you can do. And when you're tired on Sunday and your kid wants to go out and throw the ball around, you get up and you go throw the ball around. And for sure, those are many of the moments I remember of my dad when I was growing up. Right. So I realized there was there's this, code essentially as men that is important that we live by and it really is like the code of the knight.

Michael Diamond (22:15): I mean, that's the way I transcribe it. So there's honor, there's Valor, there's pride, there's respect. There's all of these things, all of these codes that as a man, I think have not been passed down in the way that they deserve to be, we see what's going on in the public eye and how position, people in positions of respect that, when they're be teachers, politicians, it's lost a lot of its luster, so to speak. And not to get into politics, but you know, when people use the word, Oh, he is, or isn't acting presidential, or what does that really mean? Right. There's a certain way of being of carrying ourselves, especially as men and I found it unique that, or interesting, we always heard the quote that like chivalry is dead. And I always ask people, do you, when that quote was written and I'll ask you the same question, do you know?

Brent Smith (23:21): When that quote was written? I could give it a 1750, well, you're actually right. You're the first person to be right. Most people think

Michael Diamond (23:33): Like 1950, 1960, something like that, but it was Lord Byron back in the mid 17 hundreds. So to me for, you almost 300 years for that concept to be like, wow, well, what have we been doing for the last 300 years? You know, so it just reminded me that, as men, there's a certain way of being that are inherent in our DNA, inherent in our physiology as men to be the provider, to be the protector. And not saying that the feminine or women can not provide or protect themselves. Absolutely. They are more than capable. And there's an inherent energy within us as men to step up into that role. And we need to model that more. I feel like we've just gotten away from that. So Igknite is the word implies to ignite, to light up, to bring forth, to bring a flame to it, but to ignite the night.

Michael Diamond (24:40): To bring forth those values, again, those core values. And what I find with a lot of the men I work with is they don't even know what it really means in its true essence to be a man or to embody the masculine energy, especially, in the last four or five years in the wake of 'me too'. And seeing all the things come to light that obviously been terrible to how men have treated women, children, abuse of power, all of those things it's gotten even more distorted for. What does it truly mean to be a man? So my goal, my role, I guess, is to bring these things that are in our coordinator, but to bring them into a modern day context and to bring them and make them applicable on the day to day. So we understand what it means to show up.

Michael Diamond (25:34): Then there's a lot of other things embedded in that, you know, the masculine archetypes, all the different healing work I've done. So the word itself is really about how to be a Knight, how to be noble, how to be honorable. I don't live with respect and Valor and purpose. And if we amplify that and we model that, not just for other men, but really for our children. And then that is that what I'd like to call the evolutionary Baton. So when I became a dad, I realized, and it's continuing to unfold is it's, it's my life. It's not even about me anymore. Right. It's about my legacy. And that child is my legacy and all, and the other thing is it's not just my child. Like I become a father to our children and how I hold myself. So, you know, this starts to get in a bigger context here, but to answer your question, it's about living a certain way that models and gives blessing to the younger generation and shows them the path so they can take that Baton and bring it further even more. And I feel like in the last 30, 40, 50 years that we kind of fell back a little bit at a time to bring it forward even more now

Brent Smith (27:02): That's incredible. Michael, it's absolutely incredible. I feel like you saying being a father for all the children and for all of this, is that something that I, that I felt. I don't have any children of my own, but in the last five years I felt like this has been, it was part of my goal. And you put it into words that really explained what I meant by, I'm going to be sort of a father to all, more than just, you know, my children, such a beautiful way of putting it.

Michael Diamond (27:42): I'm glad you brought that up because there might be men listening to this and say, well, I don't have a kid. So how is this relevant to me? And whether you choose to have your own children or not, by being a man in this world, you are modeling for the other boys that will be men in the world and conducting yourself and living life in a certain way is modeling to them. And one of the biggest things that boys are lacking in our culture is receiving the blessing from other men. I mean, you look at, for example, any sort of a high school coach, a basketball coach, a football coach that is fathering many boys, right. And may or may not have children of their own, but yet they are the father figure for these boys that may not have fathers of their own. And looking for that guidance, looking for that leadership, that mentor-ship learning how to be in the world. And what we're lacking is boys receiving that blessing. I'm going through that Rite of passage from boy to man and in the Western world, we just, we just don't have that. It's been very nonexistent. And as my, one of the men, that's on my leadership team and ignite says, you know, we have a bunch of boys running around in men's bodies essentially. And there's an immaturity that just hasn't matured.

Brent Smith (29:19): I think it's a general consciousness. I mean, I feel like I was raised with, you know, a great father, he was able to do what he was able to do, but it just, it's not in the works of just of creating that transition of creating, that transformation to a man. And it's something that I, I had to look for later in life, I guess.

Michael Diamond (29:45): Yeah, you know, it's not on, you, for me, for example, I can't expect to be everything. My son needs me to be in every aspect of being a man and about masculinity, right. That's why you have, in one respect, we have uncles, right. And your uncles teach you different things, or you have, you know, like you said, coaches or teachers. So we have, you know, that's why I feel like the responsibility of men is to, uh, embody the aspects of who you truly are as a man and model that for that next generation. So you don't have to try to be everything to everybody just find the place. And we want to always be working on ourselves and getting better in the areas. Maybe we're not, blessed with, but at the same time, like find the things that you are really blessed with and be really better at that and express that more. And that's one of the pains of men I've noticed is, is this thing of holding it in hiding, compressing it down, not allowing it to. Our culture as a whole has not done a very good job to support boys in connecting to that. If anything has been the opposite.

Brent Smith (31:07): Yeah. Into their passion, into the creativity, you know, before just recently, I don't think I understood that the word passion or the word or the feeling of it. I never associated with it because it was always something that needed to be hidden in a way. I don't know why, but, that creativity that like for a guy to be able to go, wow, that's incredible. What I just did right there. Yeah.

Michael Diamond (31:38): Totally.

Brent Smith (31:41): Why can't we do that in public? Why has that been so difficult to express just pure joy in public?

Michael Diamond (31:51): Oh, well, that's a bigger conversation. I know, you know, I grew up in New York and the, the mode of being was become, be cool, be collected, like, you know, fly below the radar. Don't express too loudly. Don't stick out. Right. It was, especially in New York, I was like, don't even look people in the eye. Right. So how you supposed to share who you are, but you use the word passion. And I love that word for many reasons. And I had this chiropractic mentor, this amazing man, his name was Pasquale's Sarah solely. And he was born in September 11, 1911. He passed away maybe five or six, seven ago. He was a chiropractor in Brooklyn, New York and an amazing man. We talked before about when you see someone speak and you don't remember anything they said, but how they made you feel.

Michael Diamond (32:42): And he was one of the first speakers I ever saw when I decided to become a chiropractor. And I don't remember a word he said, but I remember the feeling I had when I saw him speak. And I knew from that moment that this is what I, at the time, that was what I was meant to do. He was really into words and breaking down words. And if you look at the word passion and you break it down, pass I on, that's what we're doing with passion, with passing ourselves on, pass I on. So when you're, again, it's kind of like that Baton I talked about where it's either you're so you're so embodied in what you're doing, that it can't help, but be transferred to others. To me, that's what passion is.

Brent Smith (33:30): That is so cool. Michael, that's beautiful, so cool. What are the transformations that you see and experience in your group? Ignite the King?

Michael Diamond (33:48): Great question. There's so many, for the sake of, answering the question, there's three main areas. I see one in relationships and this ties into that emotion and expression and passion is being able to men being able to be with their partners, their wives, their girlfriends, boyfriends, whatever it may be, in a way where they're present. I know that's one of the biggest challenges where as men, we want to quickly fix things or we get defensive and I'm saying these things because I did them all the time and I still do on some levels because that's how we're wired, right? That's not what our partners want. They want to be heard. They want to be seen. They want to be felt. They want us to be there, not want to fix it.

Michael Diamond (34:40): They want us to empathize. And this very much ties into the energy of the lover archetype. And this is probably the, one of the most more underdeveloped archetypes in men because it hasn't been modeled for us or culturally it wasn't accepted. So learning how to be playful, alive, present, empathic, be able to express how we feel and to hold space for our partners to do that. Seeing men being able to do that has had huge effects. I've seen men that were literally on the verge of divorce and see their relationships turn around because of it and also in being a father and having children and not knowing how to connect with their children or just maybe passing on the same. I don't know if I can curse, but same shitty behaviors that they were modeled. Right?

Michael Diamond (35:36): So like what, what happens that changes the course of you perpetuating certain things that you learned or establishing something new and having boundaries and having clarity on, not just being a pleaser, whether it be to your partner or be to your children. Teaching humbleness teaching, how to be able to stand up to something, Have conviction around something, so yeah, seeing relationships between parents and children transform, I think another area has been around, you know, men finding what their mission is. I think also with what's going on in our culture right now, where maybe people have lost their jobs or their jobs are changing and realizing, is this what I want to be doing anymore? Is this what my passion is? Is this what really calls to me? Am I just doing this because I know I need to make a living right.

Michael Diamond (36:35): And there's nothing wrong with that. That's very respectful to do that. Or to sacrifice in that way, but at the same time at the end of the day, are you really here truly living what, you must be living in this lifetime and to get that earlier in life, as much as possible and not having those regrets standing around your deathbed. Those are probably the three main areas I've seen. The biggest changes with is in relationship in parenting and in the mission in the world and getting clear on that as far as like a skill set, I think it's about being able to recognize in the moment how you're either showing up or not, and being able to very quickly change that energetic and show up differently

Brent Smith (37:31): Over and over again. Yeah.

Michael Diamond (37:33): Perpetuate the same old strategies. Right. Being able to self correct.

Brent Smith (37:39): So it's really interesting when you did talk about mission and when you did talk about that, I really had an emotion with that of just like, yes, that sounds awesome. I want my mission, but you also need to be in a positive place to be able to grasp it. Right?

Michael Diamond (38:02): Well it's like, are you reacting or responding, right. You know, if you're feeling pain or feel like what you're doing is not what you want to be doing, that's probably not the best head space or heart space to be in, to get connected to your mission. So there's definitely some foundational work that we need to sort of catch yourselves up on as men specifically, in order to get clear, you know, everyone thinks there's going to be this like lightning bolt, Eureka moment. And it does happen that way as well. But the reality when I found working with men and in my own journey, it's a little breadcrumbs, right? It's little whispers that we get along the way. And if, especially as men and for, so, tunnel, vision of life, like hunt, kill, goal, all of that, we're missing out on all this subtlety, all this energy and information that is happening around us, that we're not picking up on.

Michael Diamond (39:00): And a lot of times that has to get louder and louder and louder. And usually that shows up as now. It's like when men say, Oh, my wife, she just picked up and left. And then the question is, well, when did she really leave? Now? She actually physically did it, but maybe she left 10 years ago, but she was still there. And when you not getting the subtle cues of that, so around our mission, I think it's the same. It's like the more we can connect to what drives us, what our passions are, what excites us. And that takes a certain level of emotional intelligence. Then we can pick up on those cues and then use our more mental focus or warrior energy to actually take action on it and translate it into the world.

Brent Smith (39:49): Patience. Yeah. And really not being into just once again to quick fix, you know, quick, I can fix that quick, but really putting yourself in a space to receive those subtle hints, those things that are happening around you.

Michael Diamond (40:10): Yeah. And we fill the space so quickly nowadays. Right? I know these are so many topics around talking about one thing where again, this ties into that information overload, like, you know, we're standing on a line in the grocery store and what do we typically we pick up our phone, right? Because we want it, we just filled the space yet. Then we're missing out on everything that's going on around us. Right. So we need to, we need to pause. We need to slow down. We need to be in the space between, you know, I teach my son that all the time, he's got a lot of energy, so we will do an activity. And then it's like, okay, what's next? What's next? He like wants the next thing. And I tell him a lot of times, well, there's nothing next. Next is we just sit around and feel what just happened and, you know, reflect on it. And what lessons did we learn? And, you know, at least for a couple minutes, right. Let it integrate into our system. That's important. And that's an thing that we haven't done. We, you know, we have these devices where we can just be constantly in-taking and we need to slow that part down.

Brent Smith (41:21): So I realized that, that we need to get together again, Michael,

Brent Smith (41:26): Because we have a lot to talk about for sure. This conversation that we've had has been incredible and I would like to continue that for sure. So let's get back together again very soon and do it again. I would love to have you, explain a little bit to every one, what you're creating at the moment and what IGKnite the King is a little bit. And then we'll finish up this episode. We're also going to include a writing by you and me about our conversation and about more you want to express about that. And of course I would love to get back together here very soon and do it again.

Michael Diamond (42:16): Yeah. Thank you. IGKnight the King is a company I launched last year and it's basically a training ground for men to become better men, to focus on these embedded energies and archetypes that we all have. And to be aware of how, what I call the shadow likes to show up as how to be aware of that. And in real time, be able to, transform that and not have them perpetuate out in negative ways in our life, specifically around the three things we talked about, like how to be better in your relationship, how to have more fulfillment there, how to be a better parent and really be passing along and creating a legacy for all. And then, for all the children, right? To model that and to end as far as our mission to amplify that energy in the world so that we, and not, you know, I'm an idealist at heart to know that we're here to make the world a better place.

Michael Diamond (43:24): And every thought, every action, everything matters, everything affects everything else. So IGKnite is a program and an opportunity for men to learn these skill sets and these tools that really have not been taught to us for the most part, and to know how to connect to how we're feeling, how to self assess, how we're doing on the day to day and how to transform that in the moment. So we can then show up better every single day and knowing that we will make mistakes and there's things that we're going to do that aren't perfect. And that's okay. And we just do better the next day and to have accountability and a brotherhood of men that are supporting one another is a classic challenge for men is to be the lone Wolf to think I got to do this. All myself, women typically have many friends, men typically don't right.

Michael Diamond (44:20): We, you, and then we don't share how we're truly with those men at that. So to have a brotherhood, that's supportive, nonjudgmental to have a container that, uh, you know, one of the things I learned I'll end on this is that your work is my work and the more I get men together and hear them share with one another, the more I realize that we're all going through essentially the same experience. And then we realize we're not alone. And that fact alone creates huge transformation. It's a relief to know, like, I don't have to carry this burden on my shoulders.

Brent Smith (44:58): I've felt it.

Michael Diamond (45:01): And that has been hugely transformational. So to create a context and a container for that to happen, that's what ignite the King is about among all the other amazing pieces that go with it. But yeah, that's it.

Brent Smith (45:21): The safety and accountability, and just being in the presence of everyone going through the same experience you are.

Michael Diamond (45:29): Just like you train at the gym or train a martial art, like you have to train how to be a man. It's not just because you are a man by gender doesn't mean you are embodying the masculine or the mature masculine, I should say. And that's okay. That it has to be learned. That's just how it goes.

Brent Smith (45:57): I'm really looking forward to your virtual world, your virtual influence, your worldly influence that this is transforming into because people need to be around your energy and feel what I have felt just now. I hope with these kinds of events and these kind of collaborations and just awesome stuff happening, it'll be just plentiful for all.

Michael Diamond (46:26): Great virtual immersions and masterclasses on these archetypes and skill sets on how to embody them more. And it's really translated. Well, and ultimately, I know you had asked, is there a process we can do or anything? And the only thing I'll share on that is when we are sharing how we're doing, usually the first share is like, kind of what we've preplanned, right. Or a top grade, or, okay, this is going to be my answer to this. And that's important to kind of get that out. And then I teach men and then drop in deeper. I get all that out, get all that mind stuff out and then slow down. And you do this really well, where when I'm, or even in this conversation, your pace is slower. It draws different things out of me, right. Because just who you're being. And it wants me, it allows me to drop in deeper. So I always teach top layer and the underneath layer get all that stuff out. That's the mind. Good. It wants to speak. The ego needs to be satiated. And then what's really describe what you're feeling like. Can you name it? What's the emotion, not the story. What are you feeling? Can you say it in a word I'm feeling fear right now. Hey, can you be with that? I'm feeling angry. Okay.

Michael Diamond (47:51): As men weren't even allowed to say that, right. So that, that's an important sort of starting place for having a language that helps support this process.

Brent Smith (48:08): Incredible. Michael incredible. I'm so looking forward to this adventure. Yes, and I know a lot of other people will too, the best way to get a hold of you at the moment, igknitetheking.com.

Michael Diamond (48:25): You can put your email on there. We have newsletters that go out and also our Facebook page Igknite the King. And that's what the K and a lot of great content there and ways to reach out to us and find out about our upcoming virtual and in person programs.

Brent Smith (48:41): Awesome. Igknite the King. I G K N I G H T.

Michael Diamond (48:47): Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't be too cute on the name.

Brent Smith (48:50): No, it's an incredible one. If you put it in a Google search, it'll pop up because it's individual and it really sparked something with me. I'm just like, I need to connect with, I need to reach out to you and I'm so, so, so, so, so happy that I did Michael, and thank you for, thank you for connecting. Thank you everyone for showing up to Change Your Heart. And until next week, I don't know what to say. Just thank you for being here and thanks for being part of this community. I love you.

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Brent is grabbing anything and everything to be excited about. He is an Air Traffic Controller by trade, enthusiastically guiding our flying family and friends through the skies.With this go at life, he is loving to share the diamonds that are found by collaborating and laughing with others. His passion is to discover the ways and tools for everyone to soar to new heights, WITH YOU!

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