The Three Most Important Questions

I ask that the Change Your Heart Community does this exercise and post your favorite answers below.

The past few months have given me many opportunities to listen and watch things that I usually have no time for.

I focused on positive and uplifting things, it started to become an addiction. I gained momentum and enthusiasm to create something new, to feel vulnerable, to explore, and most importantly, to start enjoying what I am doing every day. 

I found awesome teachers online that I watched, and incredible authors that I read. This made me excited to wake up in the morning and excited to see what is going to happen What I was going to learn today?

This person, Vishen Lakhiani, has blown me away with his teachings and book.

I would love us all to share with each other the awesome things that come up by doing this exercise.

It will be a beautiful way to understand everyone’s individual desire, and to give you the opportunity to find others that have similar desired experiences.

You will be blown away by what comes up with this practice. I look forward to seeing what drives you! 


Write your favorite EXPERIENCE, GROWTH and CONTRIBUTION in the comments. I know great connections will be made.

Join me. Let’s experience this life together!

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Brent is grabbing anything and everything to be excited about. He is an Air Traffic Controller by trade, enthusiastically guiding our flying family and friends through the skies.With this go at life, he is loving to share the diamonds that are found by collaborating and laughing with others. His passion is to discover the ways and tools for everyone to soar to new heights, WITH YOU!

One Comment

  • 1. My friends are uplifting and loving. Creating events that bring them all together to share their wins and accomplishments.
    2. I will learn to be a world class speaker.
    3. I want to teach children how to sustain their enthusiasm, creativity and sense of self as they grow older.

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